Our Ultimate goal is to put you on Fish!
We will put forth more effort than anyone Else! Period!
Fishing Guides on the Nipigon River System
The Nipigon river system is home to the world record Brook Trout and a variety of Trophy species. Here at A.M.- P.M. Guide Service© its our goal to put you on fish!

About Us
Here at A.M.-P.M. Guide Service we committed to providing the best Angling Experience possible for our clients on one the best Freshwater Fisheries on the planet. Pursuing the notorious and beautiful Brook Trout here on the Famous Nipigon River is our specialty. Here the fish grow to enormous sizes and is home to the world record Brook Trout. We have dedicated thousands of hours fishing the river to know every bend, hole, pool and pattern.
We also guide for other species and provide different opportunities as well throughout the angling season depending on the timing, water temp and level.
We cater to Fly Fisher’s as well as the Angler who fishes with traditional gear. We realized when we started out, fly anglers hated being out with guides who fish out of traditional tippy, cramped 14-16’ aluminum boats. No room for casting and small boats transferred the waves spooking fish and unbalances the fly angler on their casts. We have invested time, money into our rigs and set-ups to cater to the fly angler. Which also works out wonderfully for gear angler as well. We offer plenty of room for 2 fly angler’s and all their gear.
TV Appearances:
The New Fly Fisher
Consult for Bob Izumi's Real Fishing
Aventure Chasse & Pêche
Prostaffers for Angling Outfitters
Lowrance Prostaff
21' Pro Walleye Boat
16.5' Lund Tiller

Anyone who comes along for a guided day on the water will come home with new knowledge and skills. Our staff makes sure anglers enjoy every moment and strive to provide lasting memories for years to come.